As part of the safe sport roster and mandatory coaching standards the coaching module, Making Headway is required for a coach to be considered fully trained.
NCCP Making Head Way in Sport is the NCCP’s free, online answer to the prevalence and ambiguity of concussions in sport. Parents, coaches, and athletes all benefit from knowing as much as possible about concussions; this online learning tool is designed to help coaches gain the knowledge and skills required to ensure the safety of their athletes.
After completing the NCCP Making Head Way in Sport module, you will understand:
- how to prevent concussions;
- how to recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion;
- what to do when you suspect an athlete has a concussion; and
- how to ensure athletes return to play safely.
It is accessible for free on The Locker. Click here: https://thelocker.coach.ca/ to register.
Additional policies are being developed with our provincial partners at the Government of Nova Scotia and fellow Provincial Sporting Organizations (PSOs) and will be adopted as part of grater safe sport policies that are currently embedded within our club licensing program.